
2010 in Photos

Here it is, an entire month since Christmas, and it's really the first time I've sat down to blog. There's no excuse. I'm just a slacker, I suppose. But, ahhh, that's the glory of a blog. It's mine and mine-alone, and it's so nice to not have deadlines to meet and to just write when I want.

Truth is, when I want to write, I'm generally not near my computer. The urge comes when I'm at the Walgreens Urgent Care Clinic waiting to see a nurse to get tested for strep throat, and I'm listening to some mother grill her 15 year-old son about why his friends Josh and Brendan don't get a long with one another. (I'm all for moms trying to involved in their childrens' lives, but after 25 minutes of this conversation, and already feeling like my head was going to explode from sinus/cold pressure, I just really could have done without the chatty Cathies behind me.) Or, I'll be sitting in my driveway, in my car, waiting for Greta to wake up from a nap, and I have this epiphany of something BRILLIANT to blog about, but alas, no computer to write on. And of course I lose my idea and my writing mojo once I eventually get the time to write.

So late last month/year, I decided to participate in a project where I take one photograph each day for a year. This concept appealed to me for a variety of reasons. For one, it would get me to blog a little more frequently. I mean, how hard is it to get online and post ONE photo a day? Also, I wouldn't feel such pressure to keep up with Greta's scrapbooks in a chronological fashion. Sure, I'm still scrapbooking photos and memories of her, but this project is fun and light-hearted and simple. The simplicity of all makes it doable. Doable is what I need. I also liked the idea of Prjoect 365 for the reason that perhaps, just maybe!, MAYBE, I would start improving my photography. I've always loved photography but have never owned a really nice camera. Since my cameras have been little point and shoot varieties, I've always felt the need to take a gazillion photographs just to ensure that I got ONE decent one. I am hoping that throughout the 365 photos, not only will I tell a story, but I'll also show a little improvement in my phtoography skills. (And hoping I'll soon purchase a better camera, too!)

My apologies again for the late explanation of my participation in this project, but my guess is, that anyone out there reading this probably "got" what I was getting at merely from the numbered titles of each blog post. Today's photo was number 25. Three hundred-forty more to go. I hope you enjoy.